Thursday, February 19, 2009

Upcoming Ultrasound

Picture courtesy of my darling sister Cheryl ... gotta love it (note to self - watch Oliver with son at all times)

Can you believe I am 19 weeks and 2 days already? Wow! Where did the time go. I am still only feeling a lot of swimming type movements and definately know when baby is awake but the kicks when I do feel them, I kind've wonder was it or was it gas? The other night I was lying in a bubble bath and kept feeling a little popping sensation in the middle of my belly. I initially put it down to gas and then wondered if it could be kicks. I closed my eyes and felt them again, and again - deep in the pit of my stomach... but hang on .... how stupid am I???? These were so consistent which could only mean one thing.....BABY HICCUPS!!! hehehe - I actually laughed out loud I was so happy.
There is another story I feel I need to make a note of since I had very nearly forgotten about it. When I went for my 3D last Tuesday, she was taking all baby's measurements including trying to look at the bladder. At one point she briefly skimmed past the little black circle in baby's tummy, pointing out to me that it was the bladder. She moved on to take measurements of another part of the anatomy and on returning to the bladder - it had all but disappeared. Of course I was a little nervous by this as I needed to know that baby's kidneys were functioning properly. She then laughed and told me baby had just had a pee!!! Something I will NOT be saying should it happen a few years from now but .... HOW ADORABLE!!!!! He pee'ed in my stomach hehehehe. She went about checking other parts of the anatomy and on coming back to the bladder 10 minutes later it had already been refilled. Music to my ears, baby was swallowing amniotic fluid and pee'ing it out like a little champ [insert VERY proud grin here]..

My ultrasound is on Monday and I'm so looking forward to seeing baby again. I have a couple of questions which I need to ask and this time I really am going to assert myself with the gynae. I am so tired of walking out of an appointment pretending to be happy with his stupid mumblings in answer to my questions when in actual fact I leave even more confused...!!
The first thing would be the Ecotrin he has me taking up until 38 weeks. This is a very low dose of aspirin which thins the blood. Usually given to women in pregnancy who have suffered repeat miscarriages, have had high blood pressure in previous pregnancy, or developed pre-eclampsia in previous pregnancy. I have not suffered any of the above so why? - I asked him at my last U/S app and he simply replied "its to keep the placenta healthy" okay dr so when do I stop taking it - his reply "at 38 weeks". I know two other patients of his that are currently pregnant and neither were prescribed this pill so why me? Surely 38 weeks is far to late to stop taking the pill because I am having a cesear and we all know aspirin thins the blood reducing your chances of blood clotting which could be fatal in such an operation. Anyway - I simply have to tell him that I was not happy with the answer he gave me and would like a detailed explanation as to why he felt it necessary to put me on this shit.... afterall this is my baby and my body and long after the dr is gone I will be stuck with any long lasting effects of this, if any.
Then I will tell him that I need a detailed scan. The last scan he raced through - he did not listen to the heartbeat, he did not take any other measurements except crown to rump and threw me back a week again. Eventually at the end he decided to measure the femur and what do ya know????? I am actually right about my dates and he was way off!!! Stupid quack!! Let me remind you that I have a video taping these scans so it is important to me to get all the measurements including BPM of heart so if need be later in the pregnancy I can make comparisons in the comfort of my own home without calling his offices every five minutes to look it up in the file.

Then of course its the anterior placenta question. He mentioned to me at the last app. that I had an anterior placenta but gave me no further information. I want to know if it right in front and over my scar? therefore making a cesaer to dangerous to perform? Or is it half at the top and in the front? At what point does it start migrating upwards?

Sigh .... I know it sounds like I'm complaining but I get so worked up before these appointments because I know he disappoints me every time. This is a special time for me and surely its his duty to make it feel that way. This is the reason I have opted to see a midwife between gynae app's so that every 2 weeks I am seeing someone. As mentioned in previous posts, she is amazing - I love her, she is thorough and caring and everything that my gynae should be. Yes you may be asking why Im sticking with him? Well the other gynae's here where I stay have practiced here only and I'm a little nervous of small town dr's especially when it comes to cutting my stomach open. My dr. practiced in Martizburg and is a friend of my dr in Jhb (the one who delivered my daugher). He is very well known in the Durban circles and comes highly recommended. So there you have it ... his bedside manners may leave a lot to be desired but he knows his stuff!!


Marcia (123 blog) said...

I was on Ecotrin until I started having quite a thick discharge. Dr told me to stop and I haven't been back on it since. My scans revealed a nice healthy placenta so they said it's not necessary.

I keep a post-it note in my diary at the appt date and write questions on there until I see him.

And I will NOT leave until my questions are answered - this is why we're paying them so don't let him "gloss over" you, okay?

Martie xxx said...

Ahhh, so cute! Your baba wee-weeing in you! My babes also had a full bladder and tummy in the previous scan, but I didnt see him wee! lol! You lucky girl! hahahaha!

I Should take the advise up here about the post it note - I ALWAYS FORGET! lol

Good luck with the wait till Monday! How is the room coming along?

Irene said...

Thanx Ladies
I will definately make sure my questions are answered, however, after posting my question on Fertilicare I got some very helpful answers and it seems its a lot more common for pregnant ladies to take it than I realised.
Martie - the room is still a bit of a mess - I have bought the blue paint for lower part of wall but tomorrow need to buy the cream for the top part since if I start at the bottom first Im just looking for problems hehe

Chez said...

That's my boy - look ma, no hands!!!! hee hee!!!
Just showing the world that he knows what that little tool is used for.... He makes me proud. Give him a big squeeze from us all. Mwah mwah