Wednesday, April 29, 2009

RIP sweet angel girl

Today was a very hard day for me as DH and I had to put our gorgeous bulldog Sahara to sleep. She had such bad arthritis and a failing liver. I really tried - I took her to the vet last week and paid a small fortune to get tests done but was told her liver would soon start failing and pills were given to see if her last days could be improved. Sadly there was no change - she was no longer able to walk and even stopped eating - I tried spoon feeding her and kept her warm in the house but we had to eventually decide ... when is enough enough?

We kissed her goodbye at the vet and walked out before he injected her ... it was just too painful to watch. Needless to say I have been on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster today.

May you find all the happiness and freedom from pain in doggy heaven that you so deserve my girl and remember that you will always be in our hearts - now you and Smudge can play together again.

Smudge - pls look after my bullie

Below my two furbaby angels - Smudge and Sahara

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

28 Week Belly

Bellow is my latest belly pic at 28 weeks - I can definately see a difference in a month but I think the biggest surprise will come in my 30-40wk belly pics if I recall correctly with my last pregnancy.

Well we just had yet another long weekend and I must say I am starting to get used to it. I am suddenly finding it a lot more difficult to wake up in the mornings and find that my deep dream filled sleep has returned and hopefully the insomnia is a thing of the past (knock on wood). I must say I have so much fun with baby when I'm lying in bed at night because if I lie on my side I get the weirdest tickling sensation aagainst the bed that makes me laugh out loud. Weird because it is as if someone is tickling me from the inside!! Kaylah put her hand between my belly and the bed after it happened and it happened again and she couldn't believe how strange it felt - she said like a little bug worming its way around inside my tummy. Of course Morgan wanted in on the action too and she was just as freaked out by it.

I have found over the last two weeks I am feeling very uncomfortable when I lie in bed. When I am on my back watching tv I start getting very sore and breathless so turn on my side. I then start to get a very uncomfortable stitch in the side I am not lying on (possibly due to the curve of my spine?) - so I turn to the other side and before long I get a stitch on the opposite side again. It makes me worry a little since I still have just over two months left and I can't possibly imagine getting bigger. I am also suddenly a lot slower with getting in and out of bed now and find myself planning my steps before I take them so as to avoid falling flat on my face hehehe (not to difficult when you have kids sprawled all over the bedroom floor).

The baby's room is starting to become a very sore point with me because I had planned to at least put the border up this weekend but I have been having bouts of extreme fatigue which renders me completely useless with any kind of work. Last week at my check-up I asked dr. to check my iron levels and he did a haemaglobin test - I have still heard nothing from him so I am assuming it all checks out although I would have been happier if they had told me my levels are low so I know I can start taking supplements and feel better and that this is not just a by-product of entering the third trimester. Oh well I guess I can't complain too much because in all honesty, up to this point, this pregnancy has just flown by and before I know it I will miss being pregnant and playing games with my belly - my constant companion.

Once again I have to dash as the toilet beckons me ..... 'til next time

Friday, April 24, 2009

Marthie Had her little boy!!!!

I don't have much news yet except that she only just had him - his name is Jayden and he weighs a very healthy 3.3kg's - both baby and mom doing very well.


Lots of love and kisses


I just wanted to write a quick post to wish Marthie all the very best with the birth of her little boy today. She has been in labour since last night and had her water's broken this morning... It sounds like she may only have her little boy around 3pm..


New Colour Pics

Okay so I really had a hard time loading the pics last night and it took ages to actually go through the DVD and select my own still shots but it was well worth it because I feel they are a lot more clear than the pictures below which she printed for me.... take a look

Oooh my boy's gonna hate me for this one years down the line!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

4D Scan at 28 weeks

Well I went for my scan this morning and at first little boy was not interested in showing us his face but halfway through I got up and did some stretching exercises and jumped a little and when I lay back down she had me lie on my side .... this was the result..

The four pics below are face shots

THE MONEY SHOT!! Below has left no doubt in our minds that we are, indeed expecting a young man!! You can see the thigh and calf - bent at the knee (in the middle of the pic) - down below that is all the confirmation you could ask for :o))

A not very good profile pic .....

If you look carefully you will see baby's foot and toes right up by his nose

Its now 8pm and I have gone through the whole DVD and selected some pics that are a little clearer as they are in colour:

Oh boy .... this is taking far too long - I will load them as soon as I get to work tomorrow....

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Hospital Bed is Booked!!

Yesterday after my scan (which is mentioned below) I booked my hospital bed and it was so exciting. I had so many questions to answer and took a look around the ward which was very quiet except for two small little babies. One in an incubator. Wow - they really did look small lol. She showed me the semi-private ward which c/s patients are put in. I really am hoping its not busy around the time I give birth because those rooms may just be full.

My scan yesterday went very well thank goodness and baby boy is measuring right on target for 28 weeks and weighing in at 1.2kg's - wow I can't actually believe it. The feeling is indescribable when you are told they are over a kg. Almost as if a heavy burden is lifted off your shoulders knowing that he will definately make it should he need to. His mouth was opening and closing the whole time like a little fish and his facial features were also very clear. Unfortunately I did not ask for a picture but watched the video again once I got home. I showed my maid and she was so excited when she saw his mouth moving .... it really was funny to watch her since this is something she had not ever seen before. I know this sounds strange but when dr. told me he weigh's 1.2kg's the first thing that crossed my mind was my little Yorkie Smudge, whose adult weight was 1.2kg's .... she was my life and died suddenly from a stomach bug - for some strange reason I have been thinking a lot about her lately ... her picture below .... on my bed living the life of luxury.

Anyway all that aside ... I called Storksnest in Durban just now and made doubly sure their scanner was in good working order for my app. on Thursday. I was told previously that they only print 2 pics which is included in the price so I asked her if I could pay for any extra's I may want which she was happy with. (R5 per extra print). The good news is that yesterday when dr. checked baby's position he was head down again but dr. said that he was in the perfect position for 3D pics as there was nothing near his face, no placenta and no cord. Now I know this can all change as he still has quite a bit of space to move around in but I really am hoping he is very comfortable as he is and stays that way until after the scan. The only downfall re. his position is that I have had a foot firmly wedged under my ribs since yesterday and this caused discomfort last night when I was trying to sleep. It felt like I had a constant stitch on my left side and no matter how I lay it wouldn't go away so needless to say I've been awake since 4:30am. Today I have had the same problem all morning and it really gets unpleasant so every now and again I get up and walk around. Like I say - its bitter sweet because as long as his foot is in there I know he is still in position for good pics thursday :o)

I have a couple of pics that I took recently of new baby purchases including gifts from my mom and aunt when I went to visit her.
The three pics below were taken at my mom's place of all the gifts I got from her and my aunt. Take special note of the beautiful teddy bear quilt she made while I was there. I chose the material beforehand from a shop here at home and she made it for me in 1 afternoon - I was so thrilled with the end result.

Below is some stuff I bought when I went on my big shopping spree to Durban last week - the bed is in a state but I literally turned the packets upside down on it when I got home ...

and below some random pictures ... the one taken of my belly is very unclear but it will have to do until I take another one.

These are the 3D pics I got of baby 2 weeks ago. I found a cute little frame and the end result is so beautiful if I must say so myself ;o)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Going to see my boy today

Well today I have a dr's appointment to look forward to and I really can't wait to see how my little boy has grown. I must just remember to ask him to check the weight or he won't do it. Another problem is that the last appointment I went to the dr. forgot to press record and when I got home and wanted to show the scan to my girls there was nothing recorded grrrrrrrr!!!!! Damn he's scatty but I'm safe in the knowledge that he is the best when it comes to my c/s. I guess I just have to turn a blind eye to his weird bedside manner.

Apart from that I have, over the last three weeks started developing nighttime leg cramps and I mean the really bad one's that lock up your calf muscles. From lots of experience with this I already have my foot flexed before it goes into that final and very painful spasm!! I remember getting this with Morgan so I know its pretty normal. Another thing I have to remember always is to stop drinking fluids by at least 7pm or Im up all night long going to pee. I'm feeling strong movements now and have just recently started feeling little lumps and bumps that pop up all over and when I try to inspect them he hides away again.

My mom made the lovliest quilt on Easter weekend with the material I bought here and took with me and although I have a pic of it already I have not actually gotten around to downloading it off my camera. I think when I get home from dr this afternoon I will quickly load my pics of baby's new presents and of course the quilt so by tomorrow I will have something to post. I ordered my chest of drawers and the guy said he will push for tomorrow or Thursday but if not then I will get it on 28 April - I really hope I still get it this week so I can start packing all of baby's things where they belong and make heads or tails of what I actually have.

Will update tomorrow with pics and news of baby's weight!! Until then - Marthie you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers xxx

Friday, April 17, 2009


Oh man I've been lazy - I really need to take the time to update my blog this weekend - if I can get my internet connection at home sorted out. It sucks because I cannot go onto facebook or onto my blog and since I took a few days off work I don't have much time to update at work either because I am trying to catch up - grrrrr.... I have some nice pics too so hopefully by Monday we will all be up to date with work and personal life.

Have a wonderful weekend ladies - Oh and Martie ..... I'M THINKING ABOUT YOU AND WILLING YOUR LABOUR TO START TOMORROW OR SUNDAY!!!!!!!

Jahni - congrats on your beautiful little girl - here I thought I was going to go away for easter and find that Marthie had a surprise on my return but imagine my surprise when I found out you had your little girl - I guess she hated her head being in your ribs about as much as you did hehe - all the best for years and years of happiness ahead of you sweetie xxxxx

Monday, April 6, 2009


Hello ladies

Well yesterday I went for my scan with very little expectations and of course I was thrilled that baby put on the best show ever for me and my two daughters!! The sad part is, like I mentioned before, she cannot put the scan on DVD or video and although I got some okay pictures they by no means, do the scan any justice.
He showed us the full front of his face and the movement was amazing - he kept putting his fingers in his mouth etc. She only started capturing images after he turned his face to the side and they were printed in black and white. They were clear as day on the screen but once she printed them onto paper the clarity was lost :o(
Here are the four that I chose:

Mouth open .. fingers in the mouth

Fingers again by the mouth

Fist under his chin and such chubby little cheeks

I'm so in looove

And now the picture of the adorable little crib my friend loaned me ...


I don't have a huge amount to report on today and I am actually a little disappointed in myself because this weekend I took a picture of the little crib loaned to me by my friend and I forgot to save it onto the computer... I will try to remember to do this today and hopefully will have it on my blog tomorrow.

Apart from that I am so excited that it is such a short week this week and next week because I have taken Thursday off and will only be back at work next Thursday!! I am leaving on Thursday morning to go visit my folks and honestly I cannot wait. It will just be myself and the kids so I must be honest Im a little nervous about the long 7 hour drive but I will just make sure I stop often. We will be there until Tuesday and then on Wednesday I go to Durban for my 4D scan which I am hoping and praying will go well and we will get to see something this time. I have also planned to spend the day in Durbs on Wednesday to choose my cot and I can't wait!! I honestly feel like I am still so unorganised with baby's room considering I am a week away from my third trimester!!! Well its a little difficult when you are organising everything without any help from your spouse but I will prove I can do it and do it damn well too!!

Psssst.... I just called my hospital (Netcare Margate) and asked the lady who does the 3D's if she could see me today. She said I can come at 4pm although I must admit I am not terribly excited about it because as mentioned before she is not that skilled and tends to give up easily if she cannot get a clear face shot. I'm hoping that because I am not expecting too much baby will surprise me and show me his face .... please baby boy .. I beg you ... play nice today for mommy and I'll buy you a nice present PROMISE!!

Until tomorrow then ... keep your fingers crossed and maybe .. just maybe I'll have a pic to post of my stubborn little man.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Word of Thanks


I just wanted to say a big thank you for your kind words on my last post. You have no idea how much the support means to me and I really feel like I have such a good support base with my new found friends.....

Lots of love ((((((((((hugz))))))))))