Tuesday, April 28, 2009

28 Week Belly

Bellow is my latest belly pic at 28 weeks - I can definately see a difference in a month but I think the biggest surprise will come in my 30-40wk belly pics if I recall correctly with my last pregnancy.

Well we just had yet another long weekend and I must say I am starting to get used to it. I am suddenly finding it a lot more difficult to wake up in the mornings and find that my deep dream filled sleep has returned and hopefully the insomnia is a thing of the past (knock on wood). I must say I have so much fun with baby when I'm lying in bed at night because if I lie on my side I get the weirdest tickling sensation aagainst the bed that makes me laugh out loud. Weird because it is as if someone is tickling me from the inside!! Kaylah put her hand between my belly and the bed after it happened and it happened again and she couldn't believe how strange it felt - she said like a little bug worming its way around inside my tummy. Of course Morgan wanted in on the action too and she was just as freaked out by it.

I have found over the last two weeks I am feeling very uncomfortable when I lie in bed. When I am on my back watching tv I start getting very sore and breathless so turn on my side. I then start to get a very uncomfortable stitch in the side I am not lying on (possibly due to the curve of my spine?) - so I turn to the other side and before long I get a stitch on the opposite side again. It makes me worry a little since I still have just over two months left and I can't possibly imagine getting bigger. I am also suddenly a lot slower with getting in and out of bed now and find myself planning my steps before I take them so as to avoid falling flat on my face hehehe (not to difficult when you have kids sprawled all over the bedroom floor).

The baby's room is starting to become a very sore point with me because I had planned to at least put the border up this weekend but I have been having bouts of extreme fatigue which renders me completely useless with any kind of work. Last week at my check-up I asked dr. to check my iron levels and he did a haemaglobin test - I have still heard nothing from him so I am assuming it all checks out although I would have been happier if they had told me my levels are low so I know I can start taking supplements and feel better and that this is not just a by-product of entering the third trimester. Oh well I guess I can't complain too much because in all honesty, up to this point, this pregnancy has just flown by and before I know it I will miss being pregnant and playing games with my belly - my constant companion.

Once again I have to dash as the toilet beckons me ..... 'til next time


Martie xxx said...

Hi my friend. I had he same thing! The uncomfortable lying thing and once yo get comfortable the damn alarm goes off and you have to wake up! Arrggg.

I am sure the room will be perfect by the time your man comes. You will see. Any names yet? His pics are just too cute!

Hope you have a fab day and dont work too hard ok!

Chez said...

I agree, stop stressing about the room, there'll come a time when you get a burst of energy and nothing will stop you! You've still got lots of time, enjoy the resting!

Can't wait to see you! YIPPEE!!!!!