Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Hospital Bed is Booked!!

Yesterday after my scan (which is mentioned below) I booked my hospital bed and it was so exciting. I had so many questions to answer and took a look around the ward which was very quiet except for two small little babies. One in an incubator. Wow - they really did look small lol. She showed me the semi-private ward which c/s patients are put in. I really am hoping its not busy around the time I give birth because those rooms may just be full.

My scan yesterday went very well thank goodness and baby boy is measuring right on target for 28 weeks and weighing in at 1.2kg's - wow I can't actually believe it. The feeling is indescribable when you are told they are over a kg. Almost as if a heavy burden is lifted off your shoulders knowing that he will definately make it should he need to. His mouth was opening and closing the whole time like a little fish and his facial features were also very clear. Unfortunately I did not ask for a picture but watched the video again once I got home. I showed my maid and she was so excited when she saw his mouth moving .... it really was funny to watch her since this is something she had not ever seen before. I know this sounds strange but when dr. told me he weigh's 1.2kg's the first thing that crossed my mind was my little Yorkie Smudge, whose adult weight was 1.2kg's .... she was my life and died suddenly from a stomach bug - for some strange reason I have been thinking a lot about her lately ... her picture below .... on my bed living the life of luxury.

Anyway all that aside ... I called Storksnest in Durban just now and made doubly sure their scanner was in good working order for my app. on Thursday. I was told previously that they only print 2 pics which is included in the price so I asked her if I could pay for any extra's I may want which she was happy with. (R5 per extra print). The good news is that yesterday when dr. checked baby's position he was head down again but dr. said that he was in the perfect position for 3D pics as there was nothing near his face, no placenta and no cord. Now I know this can all change as he still has quite a bit of space to move around in but I really am hoping he is very comfortable as he is and stays that way until after the scan. The only downfall re. his position is that I have had a foot firmly wedged under my ribs since yesterday and this caused discomfort last night when I was trying to sleep. It felt like I had a constant stitch on my left side and no matter how I lay it wouldn't go away so needless to say I've been awake since 4:30am. Today I have had the same problem all morning and it really gets unpleasant so every now and again I get up and walk around. Like I say - its bitter sweet because as long as his foot is in there I know he is still in position for good pics thursday :o)

I have a couple of pics that I took recently of new baby purchases including gifts from my mom and aunt when I went to visit her.
The three pics below were taken at my mom's place of all the gifts I got from her and my aunt. Take special note of the beautiful teddy bear quilt she made while I was there. I chose the material beforehand from a shop here at home and she made it for me in 1 afternoon - I was so thrilled with the end result.

Below is some stuff I bought when I went on my big shopping spree to Durban last week - the bed is in a state but I literally turned the packets upside down on it when I got home ...

and below some random pictures ... the one taken of my belly is very unclear but it will have to do until I take another one.

These are the 3D pics I got of baby 2 weeks ago. I found a cute little frame and the end result is so beautiful if I must say so myself ;o)


Martie xxx said...

What a nice post!

I had to laugh out loud when I saw yur first pic of the clothes on the bed!Of the 5 babygrows, i have ALL 5 of teh same ones! HAHA, just shows you hey! Great minds! xxx

Oh i can so feel your pain about smudge. (great name by the way!) They are such humans and i cannot imagine my life without Lucy-Lui. They crawls down deep into ones heart! xoxo

Good luck with the scan Thursday! Cant wait to see pics!

Nikki said...

Congrats on making the 1kg mark big boy. Now just stay snug for a little while longer, k?


Chez said...

Ah man - did u get spoilt or what hey? Can't wait to see you to add to all your goodies. :)
Not long now!!!