Sunday, February 22, 2009


It's late Sunday afternoon now and my feet are killing me. I spent most of the afternoon painting only one wall - just to see how it would look. I completed the top bit which was Matt and once I painted the blue at the bottom there was just something I did not like at all. Firstly the colour looked off (too blue?) from the one I had selected on the chart and secondly it seemed to just stay wet and shiny. I read the paint tin again and it said "sheen or gloss finish"... Boy was I spitting mad!! I immediately called the guy at the Mica branch where I had bought it and explained to him that the paint for the top (from a different Mica) was not only half the price of his paint but it was a matt finish which I liked and the paint his staff had supplied for the lower portion of the wall was gloss. The two together made me want to vomit ***mad***** .... I told him that I was not asked at all by the person mixing the paint whether I would prefer high gloss or matt and since I am the average person off the street assumed they only give glossy paint if you are using it for a bathroom. Anyway - long story short, he offered to take the paint back if I point out the salesman since he is supposed to check customer's preferences. He will mix a matt finish paint for me and pay me back the balance as it is apparently quite a bit cheaper. I need to mention to him too that I want a blue with a little more "smokiness" in as this bright blue is just refusing to grow on me no matter how many times I look at it.

Anyway - I have attached some pictures but bear in mind that these will probably be the before pics because I really feel that the top and bottom are mismatched even though they were paired in a Dulux catalogue... *sigh* Oh well - I think I'm going to put in leave on Friday so I can fix up this mess.

[Click pictures to enlarge]

Morgan watching mommy at work - she helped a little bit too..

Oooh shocker - what was a grayish / very light cream on the catalogue has turned into purple???? Hopefully it will change when it dries

So far so good but wow is that blue blue!!!

Hmmmm - shiny blue??? looks like a workshop and NOT a baby's room!!

On the bright side - the top colour has settled nicely....


It's Monday morning and I have that paint packed in my car so after work today I'm going to replace it with a paint that a more subtle, dusty blue...

Anyway I have loaded a couple of pictures of baby's clothes as my mom is visiting my sister in Jhb (who keeps up to date with my blog) and I wanted her to see what her little grandson has so far....

...the blue sandals were a present from my daughter Kaylah

Notice the bottom of the picture - see my belly getting in the way?


Mandy said...

You are right the colors don't match, but I am sure it will look better once it's redone with more smokey tones. Maybe you could also try to whitewash over the bright bottom blue to make it less striking and give it a softer touch. Enjoy!

Irene said...

Thanks Mandy
All honesty is appreciated because my husband just keeps saying he likes the colour ... (um.. all the more reason to change it hehe) - I am very particular about what i want for the wall so refuse to just settle. I'll probably paint a small section later today so I can include in tomorrow's post ....

Martie xxx said...

Oh I am so glad you finally got to do the walls, even though it wasnt the most pleasant experience. Shame man, I hope you get the right paint soon and that you will be able to repaint it??

All the best my friend!

Tamara said...

In all honesty : I like the colors :/ It would look awesome with a underwater theme. Thats would I would have chosen if our girl had been a boy :)

Irene said...

Thanx ladies and thanx too Tam - I hear ya on the underwater theme but sadly I have already made the switch hehe - will post pic tomorrow of new colour....