Tuesday, June 23, 2009

16 Days!!!

I've been a very bad blogger lately due to being hit hard with the flu so have quite a bit to catch up on.

Firstly I need to mention that my daughter had a very nice day on Saturday 13th June - which was her birthday party. I did not need to do too much running around as we organised platters of food for the parents and the cake was made by a chef at my work. I'm really pleased she got her party because I honestly did not think I would be up to it. My MIL came from Jhb for the birthday and bought a beautiful baby monitor for us as well so I am really grateful for that saving.

On the pregnancy front I went for my 36 week appointment on Friday and all looks good. Baby measured at 39 weeks though so dr. looked a little confused and needed to check in my file again to make sure he had my dates right. I obviously jumped into action and asked if he would do my c/s a week early ... hmmmm guess you already know the answer to that one. ;o)
Baby's weight measured at about 3.3kg's but dr. did clarify what I already know. That once baby is over 3kg's it is very difficult to accurately measure the weight. So there's a 500g error margin either way (rather less than more - please!!!! or I will be giving birth to a monster). I have been feeling like shit otherwise and I really am hoping that its just because of the flu and it will pass as I still have a lot of odds and ends I need to finish off and just can't face them. My last day at work was on Thursday last week and all I've been doing since then is sleeping during the day and suffering from insomnia at night due to a very sore throat that is just not getting better. Yesterday and today I dragged myself out of bed to go for my beauty treatments and on my return at around 12 noon I hit the sack and slept for a good 2 hours. I'm getting desperate to tie up loose ends in baby's room etc but just can't seem to face it. Oh well - my next gynae app. is on Friday and if Im not better then I am definately asking for antibiotics.

My sister and mom and all are arriving this weekend and staying in Durban so I really am looking forward to that. Hopefully she can come to the south coast and see baby's room but we will definately make a plan to drive the 1.5hrs to durbs to spend the day with them. I can't wait - I really miss my family right now. I am also excited because she will be bringing her beautiful cot for baby as well and then finally, after the weekend I can post pictures of the completed room.

Forgive me if this post has been all over the place but I'm in bed with the TV on and a headache - a little hard to concentrate. Hopefully I get my Mojo back very soon as somebody's going to need a healthy mommy in two weeks time ...!


Nikki said...

I really hope you feel better soon.

I can't believe it... a little under 2 weeks to go!!!!!!!!!!!

Bel said...

shame, your flu sounds really bad! I hope you get better ASAP!

Min dae! Wow, you going to have your little boy so sooooooon! Good luck!

Martie xxx said...

Oh I am so glad your mom and sis are coming! I know you keep on saying how much you miss them ! THATS FAB!!!!

Looks like the party was a huge success! Hoep you didnt do too much runing around and entertaining parents...thats the hardest part!

Take care and look after yourself! SOON BABE, SOON!!!!!!!!!!

Chez said...

Ah dolly, Morgan looks soooo grown up - looks like the party was a huge success!!!!! Wish I could have been there, sniff sniff :0(

YIPPPPPPEEEEEEE only 1 more day and we arrive in Durban, I cant wait to see you! Cot and all, we going to look like a bunch of hillbillies with the cot on the roof - but all for a good cause hey?

Hope you feeling better soon, put your feet up and chillax!!!

Love you loads