Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Joys ......

This weekend was a VERY uncomfortable weekend for me as I stupidy did not take interflora pills with my antibiotics prescribed last week. On Friday I started getting a little discomfort and quickly realised I was getting thrush so started eating lots of plain yoghurt ... I guess that was just too little too late because by yesterday afternoon I was soooo uncomfortable - sore, itching, you name it!!

I went to the pharmacy yesterday morning and got some probiotics but once again they wouldn't really help since I should have started them with the antibiotics. I did not want to just get any over-the-counter meds without speaking to my dr. and of course for this I had to wait until today.
Anyway I called dr's room at 9am today and she said that I needed to come in at 2pm and get a checkup.... huh? I thought he was just going to fax a script through to the pharmacy and be done with it?? Not sure why he wants to see me but I suppose he wants to make sure the bladder infection coupled with the thrush is not causing any problems like an irritable uterus or something. I'm not complaining since I love seeing baby so hopefully he does a scan today...!

1 comment:

Martie xxx said...

Ah, you lucky and unlucky thing! Lucky to see your baby and to have the comfort that everything is OK and unlucky due to the thrush. Shame, that must suck! Anything "wrong" down there is always a concern when preggies and always makes me stress. Can you believe that when I go to the loo I still ALWAYS check for bleeding! lol, we just never stop do we!

I am sure do just wants to check everything out! PLEASE let us know OK.

Hope it clears soon and that you feel much better in no time! xxx