Monday, January 18, 2010

Pictures and Diets

Oli and I started off this year with a bang on the diet front and I must say that so far I am very proud of him. He seems very determined to follow a healthy diet and hasn't been to the local pub for the last two weekends - choosing rather to detox and take beach walks. It really makes it so much easier for me when I have someone doing it with me as our meals get simpler and he no longer brings unhealthy food like chocolates into the house.

So far he has lost 4kg's since we started on 4 Jan and I have lost 5.2kg's. I am feeling so strong and positive and I really hope to see this through to the end as I still have quite a journey ahead of me until I reach goal weight. Oli only needs to lose about 10kg's and I want to lose another 18 to get to where I am comfortable. I was very tempted yesterday to try my pre-pregnancy black work pants on but decided I would wait another week as I would probably just disappoint myself if they didn't yet fit - so for now its maternity pants but hopefully in the near future I will watch them burn to dust and never think of them again.

Other than that I have not loaded pics in quite a while so for now a few .....

Morgan and Grandpa New Years Eve

Surfer Dude

I want your drink daddy

This is the life

My very first day of school (Gr 1)


Unknown said...

Congrats on the weight loss!! You go girl!! WOW Trent has grown so much!! xx

Eileen Shaw said...

Keep it up my friend you are doing sooooo well!
Could you send some of that motivation this was please?? :-)LOL

Morgan looks so sweet on her first day what a special moment.

Chez said...

Well done dolly!!!!! Keep it up :)

Ag maaaannnnn little Morggie is too cute!!!!!

And little Trent - sweet man! I miss you all soooo much.


Nikki said...

Congratulations girl. You're doing so very well.