Thursday, February 4, 2010

This and That

An update on Trent is that on Sunday 30th January he woke up to a brand new tooth. One that silently popped out during the night without so much as a peep out of him. The second one is right there - I can see the white through the gum so its a matter of days before that one comes out. I must mention that this coincides with Morgan's teeth starting to loosen which is kinda cute. The more he gets the less she gets lol.

As per his last clinic visit

Weight: 9.7kg
H/C: 45cm
Height: 70cm

I remember early days when his size was actually off the chart and he was above the 98th percentile - now he has come down to around the 95th. He has not grown taller in the last 3 visits even though his other measurements have increased. Sister says I'll probably see a big difference in height in the next month.

On the diet front things are still going very well - I hit a plateau for a good 2.5 weeks and the scale became my enemy but I pushed through in the hope that I would get over it and this week I was rewarded with another 1.2kg loss - a total of 6.4kg's down since beginning of January. I am feeling good about it and even though I know I still have a long way to go I'm trying to set mini-goals for myself and not look at the bigger picture.
I have been having a lot of back troubles on and off since I had T and like all mom's I put myself last so only now 7 months later decided to visit the chiropracter - won't go into detail but there is a lot of locking up going on in my spine thats cause pain in my right hip, kidney, ovary and upper leg. Saturday I'm back again and although I love how he clicks my back out I'm not really looking forward to the pain after the treatment. Kaylah was an absolute STAR last night as she could see I was in pain and not only bathed, changed, and fed Trent but rocked him to sleep as well. But that's not all - she wouldn't let me make supper (okay granted we just had a potato with cheese on as none of us were really hungry) but she made it for me and brought it to the room. I gave her a bit of money this morning to go buy a nice outfit for a dance she's going to on Friday - she really deserves it.

I'm still enjoying my camera and drinking in every possible article I can get my hands on. I have just ordered Photoshop CS4 and today ordered the How to book that goes with it so looking forward to spending a lot of time in front of the computer.
I want to post a picture or two that I took but please please seasoned photographers and others - be gentle! I know my focus points were not spot on amongst other things but I will get there eventually :o))

The minute the rain stopped I grabbed up my camera for close-ups of the still-wet flowers in the garden which I thought were absolutely beautiful - since I have not yet received my software they haven't been enhanced at all..

Just a leaf but imagine the possibilites if I had a macro lens on those raindrops. Next on my list to buy but oh so expensive.... :(

Hydrangia flowers

From our Frangipani Tree

Now if I had edited this one on the computer I would have definately removed or disguised the dying flower in the background.

1 comment:

Chez said...

Stunning stunning pics dol! WOW all those professional photographers had better watch out - all this without even a course!!!!!

Keep it up - look forward to seeing more!