Monday, September 21, 2009

Quick Update

I eventually decided to make the big move back into my bedroom after sleeping on the bed in Trent's room and getting little to no sleep after his midnight feed due to constant grunting coming from the cot. So far it has worked like a charm! Sunday night he slept from 8pm until 3am - had a feed then slept again until about 7am!! Wow I really had a good night's sleep. Last night he woke at 12:30am and had half a bottle then straight back to sleep and woke again at 3am where I tried the bottle which he didn't want so after putting the dummy back in his mouth I went back to bed. I could hear the grunting through the monitor but I turned the volume down a little and soon he fell asleep. It seems he also needed me out of the room as I posibly make noises in my sleep too which keep him awake. This is the most awake I have felt in a long time and I realy hope it lasts.
Oli, myself and the kids were out a lot this weekend with friends having drinks and a lot of laughs but I now realise why I don't do the drinking on Sunday's anymore - it makes "Blue Monday" seem like the understatement of the year. So I pretty much kept a low profile yesterday and just veged all day in front of the tube - was in bed by 8pm.
I love where Trent is now in his development because the whole family fights eachother to greet him in the morning due to his incredibly good mood and beautiful smiles .... he seems just as excited as us to interact after a long night in the cot.

I want to send all my love and best wishes to two beautiful friends who just got their BFP's after a long and rocky road. Eve and Dooi I am brimming with pride for you two and cannot wait to share in the 8 months you have ahead of you and the joy when you finally hold your long awaited bundles in your arms. I couldn't have wished this on two more lovely and deserving friends. Mandy-Leigh my thoughts and prayers are with you that this cycle still turns around for you .... you are constantly in my thoughts!!


Mandy said...

Thanks Irene!!! Funny enough, I feel kind of pregnant. Can't keep my eyes open and AF is still missing..... Yay for Dooi and Eve!

Unknown said...

Glad the new sleeping arrangements are working for you!

Chez said...

Best thing you could've done. You will both sleep much better, if only I had done it sooner. Brett slept in our room until 1 year 2 months. He still doesn't sleep through and still wants to climb into mommy's bed, he's 2 1/2 already :(

Well done, give lots of kisses.
Mwah mwah