Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hands and Feet

I finally got Trent's moulded hands and feet back and I must say I really do love it. I was a little worried that they could easily swap them for any babies moulds but the minute I saw it I recognised his baby toes. They seem to stand away from all the other toes so there was no doubting them.

We also had a little bit of tummy time today and I'm very impressed with how well Trent does - in fact he is even trying to rest his weight on his hands by lifting his elbows up .... but this makes him a weee bit wobbly which is so cute.

Mom is coming to visit this weekend and believe it or not this will be the first time she gets to see my little man so I'm pretty excited about it.
As for me well we had unprotected drunk sex the other night and I really hope there are no consequences - I mean can you imagine???????? Then again the really frightening part is that I have thought about the what if's and really wouldn't mind another absolute last ... yes not quite this early but since I'm supposed to be done with making babies I would assume it was God's will for little Trent to be close in age to a brother or sister. Watch this space.....! (P.S - my gynae has told me there is no way he will allow me to have more hehe - the cheek of it!) ;)

I am feeling a little sad that my little man is changing in front of my eyes but at the same time I get so excited when he reaches new milestones ... it just keeps getting better. Today I managed to get quite a few smiles from him so he is no longer holding them back as much ... and what a gorgeous gummy little smile it is!!! Now the trick is to get it on camera.....!
He is getting into more of a routine at night and waking up between 12:20am and 1:30am for a feed. On a good night I am awake only 15-20 minutes like last night but on some nights (due to dirty nappy's or winds) I can be up for 2 hours. He then wakes again at about 4:30am and we stay awake until about 7am. Now if I'm lucky we both go back to sleep until 9am (like this morning) but days like that are few and far between since he seems to have gone off having a long morning sleep and prefers half hour power naps which leaves me little time to chat to my favourite pals.
I started Weight Watchers but now with my mom coming for 4 days its going to be a little tough so I'm going to continue properly after she has left.



Martie xxx said...

Oh my golly gosh!! Look how strong Trent is!!! I have to BEG Jayden to do that!! That is awesome! Well done Mommy!!!! Woo hoo!!!!! *\o/*

He is getting more and more gorgeous by teh day man! So cuters!!!

Enjy having mom there! USE AND ABUSE!!! You can!! Get the rest you soooo deserve!!!


Irene said...

hehehe - yes Marthie it looks like I have a real brewster on my hands - he has such strong arms and big hands ... but Im told my real dad is 6ft4 and very big so we will see!!

Chez said...

Gee dol, he is too cute! Wow and so strong already! U must be so proud of him.

Wish I could be there too, sniff sniff.

Have an awesome time!

Mwah Mwah

Unknown said...

He is so adorable!