Saturday, August 1, 2009

Breastfeeding Pro's and Cons

Okay so here I am writing a post I really hoped I would not write because while pregnant I was so determined to give breastfeeding my all no matter what. But here I sit, a constant battle going on inside my head about which path to choose going forward. Breast or Bottle?

Perhaps I should list the pro's and con's I have had with breastfeeding:

- The weight loss is a complete bonus!
- The closeness I feel to my son is amazing.
- I feel a sense of power in knowing that my body is sustaining this precious life.
- That time is ours and ours alone and perfect for bonding.
- I have milk on tap, the right amount and the perfect temperature.

- Sadly I have a little boy to bites and fusses at the breast and twists his head around, taking my nipple with him in the process, causing me great pain whereby I have to stick a finger in the corner of his mouth to break the suction on many occassions. There are times, however that he will sit and nurse quietly and I have absolutely no pain but these times are not all that often. Why is he doing this? Is it because sometimes he gets the bottle and he feels its just too much hard work now to get milk from the breast? Either way this is very stressful for me. P.S (it is not something in my diet because sometimes I then take him off the breast and rather express his feed and he will very quietly and calmly drink the whole bottle with no gassiness or pain).
- I feel like I am kind've limited in where I can go as I am not one to breastfeed in public.
- He stretches his feeds out so much that what is supposed to be a 10 minute feed per side turns into an hour or two's feeding session because he loses interest or falls asleep and I have to try work back the couple of minutes he nursed for then when he wakes, add on a few more minutes and so it goes on. I would love if he were hungry that he completed his feed in half an hour, burping included but I know that this is not always possible and babies have their own ideas.

I know you would all tell me to just go with what I feel happy with in the end but I am just so confused at the moment because I really really want breastfeeding to work out but surely I am supposed to get some sort of enjoyment out of it?? I am so worried that I go onto bottles and regret my decision but there would be no turning back once my milk has dried. I have good days and bad days. The day before yesterday was perfect - he would feed like a little angel and I would feel proud at the end of the day that I had it all figured out. Then yesterday comes along and I end up stressed and with very painful nipples from him clamping down on them, pulling them, grunting, groaning and fighting me every step of the way. By last night I was sure I wanted to give it up. Roll on this morning and he has the perfect feed on both sides, no pain, no pulling or fussing - just an angelic little face drinking quietly and then going for a long sleep completely satisfied ... [insert BIG sigh here]

To strike off a few potential questions - yes I have AMPLE milk supply because when I express I only do 10 minutes per side and can yield up to 175ml - (besides the fact that I woke this morning with drenched Pj's over right breast). The paed was very happy with my volume and told me I definately don't have supply problems. Jahni - you mentioned N would pull away if your milk came in while she was nursing? This does not happen with T so I doubt my let-down is strong enough to bother him.

Any clues as to how I can stop this behaviour or what could be causing it would really help and I would be inclined to perservere but sadly if it continues I am not sure I can take the pain or the frustration.

P.S (still haven't had a chance to see a lactation consultant as yet)



Unknown said...

Ai my dear friend! I have no experience when it comes to breasrfeeding! but why not combine the best of both, keep on expressing so your milk wont dry up & bottle feed him in the breastfeeding position, with skin to skin contact?

but firstly go see a breastfeending consultant, maybe she can help you with the fussing, so you can continue with the breastfeeding?!

Good Luck!

J said...

hi friend,

As you know, I chickened out after 7 weeks, because of the 10 dirty diapers per day, plus red bum (hers!), plus gas, plus the fact that we went on for 2 weeks where she couldn't last more than 2 hours a time between feeds in the day.

What I meant by the letdown-issue is that my initial letdown was so hectic she would yank her head away, spluttering, milk coming through her nose and obviously getting sprayed in the face too (TMI, sorry!). I expressed a little (about 40ml) at the start of the feed, and that would sort the problem out.

I don't have pearls of wisdom, other than follow your gut! You'll know what's best for your little boy.


Paula said...

Ag shame man. When I was preggo with the twins I really wanted to bf, despite the obvious problems feeding 2 at once. However, due to the prem birth and their inability to suck, thus leading to their being tube-fed till they learnt to suck, this was impossible. So I compromised by expressing for them all their feeds and bottlefeeding them, exclussively for 2 months. It is a lot of work but it really helped them and me so much. Perhaps that is something to try? My milk just became more and more, the expressing didn't stop it at all. Sorry girl, not too much help! Oh, and Oliva does exactly the same, but with her bottle! It is a struggle to feed her, usually I have to feed her in the cot otherwise she just doesn't sit still to finish her bottle! xx

Martie xxx said...

Oh my friend, I know how you feel!

Jayden used to drink, then pull his head away, then put it back and take a few heavy gulps then pull his head away again! Whe he pulls his head away it used to run all over his face and he used o graps for air! It was gross and not as romantic as they make breastfeeding out to be!

I really didnt enjoy it! The first 4 weeks were fine, but after that I was over it. I ended up ging to 7 weeks, but I really wanted to stop earlier! just the fact that he fussed so much!!! It made me sick and I felt useless.

I personally think ( AND PLEASE DOT JUDGE ME ANYONE, THIS IS WHAT I THINK AND WHAT I WOULD DO AND DID DO!) I would express all the time and give expressed milk and give formula inbetween untill you feel you have had enough and you are sick of feeling like Daisy the cow. I did that from 4-7 weeks and then formula "full time" from 7 weeks. It worked for me and I was sooooo sick of the breastfeeding Mafia as Jahni calls it. People us dto give me teh look, but I dont care. My baby was happy! I used to express 175ml and he used to down it and be hungry in 2 hours time, so I was over it!

Just my 2 cents! Good luck my friend! Hoping you come righT! xxxxxxxxx

Kerry said...

Hope I have to agree with Paula. I couldnt breastfeed because my nipples are so inverted my poor guy couldnt latch at all. So I expressed and fed him by bottle. That way I knew he was still getting the benefit of breastmilk.

It was hard work - like Paula says. It felt like most of my time revolved around bottles - washing and sterlisiing them, expressing so that I had milk to put in them and then feeding them to him. Then the cycle started all over again. But I kept it up for as long as I could.

If you are uncomfortable and this isnt working for you, then why not breastfeed by bottle?

That way, he wont be fussing about at your breast making your uncomfortable, you will be able to go out and feed him in public and he will still be getting the benefits of breastmilk.

Chez said...

Ahh shame man, it's very dissapointing when you get to this stage but you have already done so well. I lasted 5 months and then stopped - let me tell you it doesn't get easier, it just becomes more accepting. I also didn't feed in public and it became such a bother when we went out. I used to express on those occassions :/
Vasbyt, before you know it baba will be all grown up..

mwah mwah

Even after 5 months I regretted stopping so either way you'll regret it.

I personally think you

Irene said...

Thanks ladies - you have given me lots to think about


Nikki said...

I'm late, sorry ;) Just wanted to give you a virtual hug. Jordan was allergic to me, so that ended our breastfeeding bit very quickly.

Chez said...

..... oops link broken ....

what I was trying to say is ....

I personally think you have done so well already - at least he had a chance to take in all mom's immunities and you've had great bonding time. By getting upset it's not healthy for you or Trent, go with your heart and don't feel like a failure - it will soon pass.


Karien said...

Oh sweetheart, I soooooo know how you feel! When S started 'fighting' me at the breast, I had such an emotional battle with myself whether I should perservere and risk her not getting enough milk (and probably going nuts myself), or take her off the breast... The bottle won and I felt COMPLETELY useless for at least a few weeks! But eventually I made peace with my decision and realised that I had done what was best for her, not what was best for my conscience. Good luck with your decision, I know you'll make the right one for you and little T! Sending you a BIIIIG hug!!

By the way, go check out my blog, I have given you an award.
