Tuesday, August 11, 2009

An Award from Me to me

Firstly I would like to thank Eve and Karien ((((((((((big hugz))))))))) for my award - which I will put up on my blog just as soon as I can even though it is most certainly not deserved hehe.

Secondly I would like to allocate an award to myself:
"The Worlds Worst Blogger Award"

I am soooooo sorry to all my faithfull followers but shit my life has suddenly taken a very busy turn. My wonderful maid left Friday before last to go to Jhb and only arrives back tomorrow morning so I have pretty much been running around like a headless chicken trying to keep the house under control. Trent also has the most wonderful timing of having a growth spurt this week because besides all the eating he is just not falling into those nice long, deep sleeps like he was. He will go down and half an hour to an hour he will be awake again which has thrown my feeding schedule right out. Things were settling into a nice routine and quite honestly I cannot help feeling anger towards my maid for even leaving right now even though I shouldn't. I have gone back two steps and find myself once again, sitting around in pj's all day because I am not able to break away to shower or anything else. His nappy's leak (Pamper's) so I have a shitload (punn intended) of dirty washing that is piling up around my ears.

More news than that will have to wait because my little prince charming has now arisin after another half hour catnap .... there goes my shower and early departure to the shops.


1 comment:

Martie xxx said...

Lol, they always catch us by surprize!!!!

Have fun at the shops!