Monday, October 19, 2009

Flu and more

I have been a very bad blogger lately but have had so much on the go. Much as my fingers like to waffle when I begin typing I will keep this short and simple.

Kaylah's 16th party went off very well and was a huge success but for those few kids that have absolutely no manners and chose to drink alcohol. Of course hubby and I are the one's now getting frowned down on by the parents but my take on this is that if you drop your kids off and cannot be bothered to check their pockets for alcohol do not then make your shortcommings as a parent my fault. My daughter behaved in exactly the way I have always taught her to so I honestly feel proud that this is a result of 16 years work I have put in and now I feel I really did do it right after second guessing myself on so many things (10 years of that was as a single parent) so I feel it only fair to give myself a pat on the back and take most of the credit .... :o)

It seems the flu bug has finally reached my little man and he has a cough which I am unhappy about since summer is here and I thought we were one of the lucky few. Kaylah is in bed right now sick with a chest cold and I feel a slight cold coming on too. I am giving him some herbal cough syrup which he DETESTS and illiadin nose drops - for now. I will have to watch him and hope against hope that it stops at a small cold.

I really am looking forward to our little trip to Jhb - to see new and old friends and see my family again - we really need to start travelling more but honestly since we moved to the coast we kind've got lazy to go away because it feels like you have everything here so where to go? I hate Jhb although I miss it a lot - it takes a trip there to make me realise how lucky we were to have made the move to the coast.

Until next time .......


Chez said...

Ag no dolly, poor Trent! We used to give Brett Illiadin drops and Bisolvin Linctus for his cough - worked like a charm :)

Can't wait to see you guys - and well done to Kaylah!!!!! I am so proud of her.... (and you too mom)....

Mwah mwah

Martie xxx said...

Oh poor baba. I hope it stays at that. I have learnt (Not that you dont know anyway) that Puma on the chest, back of neck, feet and a bit under his nose helps. I also drop some Carvol (sp?) on his sheet and also rub puma on the sheet...I know that sounds gross, but i wash teh sheets everyday from his sweat anyway!

CANTW AIT FOR JHB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mandy said...

Hi Irene!!!

I hope Trent feels a lot better by the time of the trip. I am very glad that you have decided to join us. By the way we are planning the Friday night I think we are going to have a rough Saturday morning. I think the men should be rallied up to do the responsible parenting while we let our hair down, dont you think??? Its not every day that we get the chance to get together...

Irene said...

Thanks Marts and Chez ill take every bit of advice i can get - in six years you forget a lot!

Mandy you have a point there lol - i am really looking forward to it! I was even considering leaving the two kids with granny on the friday night but want jay, jordie, twinnies and trent to get the formalities out the way before the big day hehe

Paula said...

Shame man I hope he feels better soon! I swear by Nazo patches to open the nose - very good.

I am leaving the babies at home, as their bedtime is 6:30 and they can't last longer so they will have to be sociable on Saturday! Very happy you are coming!